Thursday, April 10, 2008

One Million Dollars

Last night I was again studying in school with, you-know-who. Yup, its the usual gang, only that cy didn't come because he couldn't wake up, hahaha. Anyway, myself, DY and Sean were talking and the topic of what I would if I had a million dollars popped up. It is actually quite an interesting thought. I mean I sure almost everyone would have at one point of time in his life thought about what he would do if he had a million dollars. And pls don't tell that you are going to open up an orphanage, or help build a hospital in Kenya. I not trying to doubt that there will be some people who aspire to do this type of charitable work when they are rich, but the question is - how many. How many people would be so willing to give up that kind of money for a greater cause. Having said that, let me just make a point to encourage all you crap readers, who bother to read all that I've written, to donate generously and do charitable work whenever possible. Something which I must also try to practice. For all those who know me, you've probably not seen me do anything like I've just preached. Well you are right, I do not. And this is reflected in our talk which I will be touching on now. You can see that we arn't all that charitable, hahaha. Hey guys we better buck up k. World peace. But I'll try to do more of it in the future, ok. Well back to yesterday. We were on the topic of what I would do if I strike a million dollars in Toto.

For Sean, he said,
" Wah if I strike Toto 1 million dollars I go buy a unit in the condo opposite Sentosa. Very nice!"

then DY said,
"Aiya, if I got the million dollars, I buy a island. Malaysia got some islands seliing for like 700k. There are even some islands selling at 200k, but thats in Canada."

Of course I made the most practical suggestion, I said,
"Erm if I had a million dollars the first thing I would do is to withdraw everything out, take a photo with it and sleep with it for a night. Then I'll decide what to do with it."

Hahaha. Well that comment drew some laughs from the guys. But I'm not kidding, I really mean what I say. How many times in your life will you be able to see a million dollars in cold hard cash. I think its worth at least a photo, haha. Then I suggested to draw the money out in $2 bills (so that the volume looks more), so I can paste it all over my room. Haha. But of course those are just dreams. Something you can think a about once in a while, then later you'll still have to get back to reality. Money doesn't fall from the sky, you've gotta work for it. You can strike Toto and 4D, but have you considered how much you have already invested in it thoughout your life. It could be much more than a million. So SL, quit dreaming and start working. Exams in 7 days!

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