Friday, April 4, 2008


I've just got home from school. Yes I know that its like 6am in the morning now, I was 'studying' in school just now. Well at 4 they started playing Tower Defense, so basically all form of studying stopped at that period. I didn't play though, lent my lappie to Sean to play. Not that I'm not interested to play but I know that I'm not that good a player and also because I know that Sean is more gian to play. So I just watch him play. The funny thing is during the ride home, I talked a lot to Sean, and I shared with him a lot about what I felt about the Europe trip. For those who know me, I don't normally share what I think to the people around me. Especially when I know that the guy knows the other parties as well. I told him quite a bit of what I felt will pose problems for the trip. I mean for the trip, although I agree with the arrangements, but I feel that many areas could have been done differently. I know that I'm not the best planner around and many times what I think might not be the most correct ideas, but I feel that sometimes I do give certain valid points. But anyway thats not the issue for this blog entry. The main point of this entry is that its funny that I would share so much to him because normally I'll just keep my mouth shut. Of course you'll be saying I'm a hypocrite because here I am saying that I tend to keep my feelings to myself and on the other hand I've blogged a lengthy entry about the plans yesterday. And basically the blog entry can be seen by the entire world. But I know that my friends don't have my blog address, and none of them will read whatever that I write here, thats why I got the courage to write them, hahahaha. I really don't know why I've said so much. Maybe I just want someone to know what I really felt, or maybe I just want to let off some inert feelings inside of me. I don't know. But in case they do see this entry by chance, let me just state here that THERE IS NO CONFLICT BETWEEN ANYONE OF US. hahahaha. The great thing is that everyone is pretty easy going, so we do get along pretty well. However, its also because we are a little too easy going that landed us here, haha. I do not have big problems about the plans, but just some concerns that we will face some problems when we are in Europe and also the higher cost that we will incur because of our current plans. But having said that since we can't change our bookings anymore, we'll just have to work around the bookings, and in Project Runway's sense "make it work".

Well Sean is a pretty good chap to talk heart to heart. Somehow, I just poured out a lot to him (of course its about the trip lah, have not gone to other stuff), although I still reserved some parts of my thought, but it is already a miracle that I actually said that much (soooooo unlike me). But I must say that it does feel pretty good to let out some feelings once in a while. The other party may not feel the same way, he might find all that I said as nonsense. But it does feel good that you can think that someone is willing to listen and just take in what you have to say. So I must say that the conservation in the car was pretty relieving. Ever since Alvin got together with Ash, I've more or less lost a close friend that I can pour my heart out to. He used to be the person I turn to when I'm in desperate need to pour out my thoughts to, but now he's got someone more important in his life. Well he's still one of my best friend around, but its just not the same anymore. Hmmmm, I think I better not get into the best friend issue in this entry. Maybe will blog about it in the future. But, yah, its not the same anymore. So I find that Sean has the potential to be a listener, he listens and gives some ideas and thought. CY is another great friend, he is someone you can engage in Heart to Heart as well. But I guess his image as being 无理头 does not help in this matter. Sometimes you really don't know whether he is really interested in listening to you stories. Maybe its because our speech more-ofthen-than-not revolves around non-serious and unimportant stuff. I blog more about friendships another time. This topic needs a little more in depth thought, hahahaha.

Okok, I think its time to end this entry now, its now a quarter to 7am, dawn is going to break any time now, think I better head to bed, I still a long day ahead (cannot wake up too late), will need to try to finish up my FYP today. Just one last thing, Fuck my prof, everytime see him I have so much to do. Asshole! After seeing him yesterday, suddenly my FYP has so much more to cover. Damn it! Gotta buck up, just less than a month more to the end of school life. 加油!!!!!!! Okie good night, erm I mean good morning. =)

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