Wednesday, April 23, 2008


In fashion, one day you're in and the next day you're out. How true is that... Just before I leave for my usual study session, I thought I'll just write a simple entry about fashion (well because I was doing my hair just now, and I was thinking that my hair looks like the Ah Beng center parting in the 90s). Since young I have been very much into fashion, though my body doesn't allow it (need I remind all of you that I was once fat). I grew up in the era of pointed combs and center partings. These were the essentials that all budding teenagers must have. You will be like alienated if you're spotted without them. I too, joined in the convoy. I always had a comb in my wallet so that I could comb my hair whenever I'm in the toilet (as if its gonna make me look better), and I shifted my natural side parting to the center lane so as to fit the crowd. Now thinking back, it was kinda funny how we react to all these trends. Now of course, if you are still have a comb behind your pocket, it'll not be cool anymore but more of weird. In fact, when was the last time I used a comb, its all about styling your hair with your hands, so they look more natural. Center partings are also out, so I too thought I should just let nature take its place, and let my parting fall onto where it originally was. Well I still have my bad hair days, and the occasionally fall victim to fashion disasters, but I try to minimise those times. Though I love to be on the streets looking my best, but I just age has caught up on me (erm, I don't know why I keep saying this, but I'm only 25 and I feel old), laziness has got the better of me, and so I just go for the most comfortable wear. They always say that you'll look your best when you are comfortable in the clothes you wear. This is so not true. Please stop kidding yourself. I can be comfortable in singlet, shorts and slippers, but does that mean it'll make me look good on Orchard Road. So I say that line just doesn't apply. Well thats all I have to say, hmmm I really have no idea what's the purpose of this entry, but I just it makes some interesting read. Good luck!

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