Saturday, April 18, 2009

Some fresh additions...

I was trying out some buttons on blogger and I realise that I can add quite a few funtions and pictures onto my blog... So in a bid to spice up my little space, I've added functions like 'followers' and also quite a few pictures. Now, I think this looks pretty neat rite. I'm a very visual person, so having more pictures really does attract me. Well, I've actually said this before, but it really comes as a surprise that there are some of you who read my crap, I'm really touched and also amazed (This blog hit another new high yesterday, after I posted the 'kanna caught' post, I got like 8 more views immediately. God knows if you came in by accident or you really follow this page, haha). And to think that I've only given this web site to one of my friend whom I don't think will visit that often [probably only once] coz he's not a blog person). But thanks for reading, hope this site helps you to kill of your some time. If there is any way I can improve this site, with regards to my posting contents, or blog outlook, do feel free to drop comments to let me know, whether you love it or hate it I really do like to find out. =)

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