Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Yup, I'm currently on a revamp of my blog. As you can see, now my blog is very dark and gloomy with everything black in colour. It like my life is soooooo sad. Well all that is set to change soon. I'll be changing a number of things. The first step is of course the title. Yup, I've already changed that. Will be thinking of the colour schemes and finally make a new header for myself soon. I've seen other people's blog, and how funky they look, but sorry, I'm a hopeless with the computer, so its not going to be easy for me to make those specular stuff on my blog. Sounding nice, I'll just say that I like to keep things simple, but of course in actual fact, its because I don't fucking know how to do it. The changes will take some time before it comes out fully, so stay tuned. What the fuck, no one's gonna read this anyway. Well, so the above statements are directed to myself.

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