Monday, May 5, 2008

Birthday part II

For my birthday today, let's see I practically did nothing, wahahaha. Met Imran at Whitesands for Swensen's lunch (it comes with a birthday treat). So spent some time with my good friend, shopped a little at Whitesands (as if there's anything to shop there), then went over to my grandma's place for dinner and the sweet noodles (what we eat at every birthday, it comes with 2 hard boiled eggs). And thats practically it, thats all for my birthday. Well, maybe I'm getting a little bigger now, so birthdays arn't a big deal anymore. Of course I treasure a good time with my various clicks of friends and family, but just a simple meal together, or drinks (not necessarily alcoholic, coffee & tea is good) is satisfying enough. We don't even have to eat expensive, I'm happy even if we eat at some kopi tiam. Yup, I think its the company that counts. Well I'm happy that many still remember me and my birthday, got quite a number of birthday wishes on my handphone and facebook today, thank you very much people, I know you all love me, I love you all too, wahahahaha. So now, the most important thing to do is, to start on my presentation, I haven't done anything at all, damn it. I'm like so screwed. Ok once again Happy Birthday to ME!!!! hahahaha...

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