Monday, July 6, 2009

Useful or Useless

After a week of H1N1 wannabe scare, I'm now fully back to work, erm actually I've already returned to work last Friday. And my boss was so nice to me throughout this tough period that I was going through. In my sickness, pain and agnoy, my boss helped to bring my laptop to my home so that I can work from home when I was on MC, now isn't that nice. And when I returned on Friday, the first thing that my boss told me was a warm welcome back message," Just to let you know, Kelvin has hit 50k this month already." Ah, it really made me feel so good to return to work doesn't it.
And today, all I wanted to do was to ask her about some stuff about work and she had to remind me again that I have to do everything as a sales. And that I must have no more excuses because what we can recognise is results, and results only. Wow, feel the love.
From the bottom of my heart, I really hate this feeling. I mean I'm not trying to find excuses for having low sales. But I just don't like the idea that all the ground work that I am doing is not being recognised. I know that at the end of the day we need to deliver, but to me, that is no reason to undermine the work that I have done so far. I don't know what made her think that the CS is doing enough for her job now, because it seems to me that she is not that great in her work, especially so when she's the head of the CS team. During meetings, she can hardly speak up, or explain the work flow of what her team needs to be doing. And after being in this company for so much longer than I have, she doesn't have the contacts or relationships to the customers that she is handling at all. Come on, she's doing customer service! And now you are telling me that these are the information that I should have, and that its ok if CS don't know, but sales MUST know. I don't understand why a customer service officer, a person who is supposed to be in constant contact with the customer as much as the sales personal, to provide service to the customer, can don't know the customer's contact details, and you can still tell me its perfectly fine, but as a sales I cannot don't know, so even if the CS tell you that she doesn't know, you have to find out through the one thousand and one ways. But seriously, why didn't the CS find out about these nitty gritty details earlier?!? So now I'm the only one being labelled as not doing enough for my job.
As I've said, I can def feel the love.

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