Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Car down

Hmmmm how should I put it, well I must say I'm soooooooo proud of myself today. I actually changed my van tyre (I've got no idea if this is the correct spelling, but I just can't seem to find anything similar in dictionary.com, so to hell with it, as long as I say its correct, it is correct, wahahaa). Anyway, back to the story. Well today while I was driving home along SLE, I didn't have enough time to escape some metal piece (don't know what it was on the road, only recognise it to be metal) that was on the road, so basically my wheels went over that thingy. Of course the first thing I told my friend Sean was, " I hope my tyres don't punture.".... of course, the next thing you know it my van started vibrating like crazy, and taa-daa, my tyre gave way. So I was like on the expressway with my friend and with a flat tyre. Sianz.... And the best part is I've never changed a tyre before (I only briefly saw my dad do it once). Luckily Sean was there, he was a car mechanic during ns, so I guess that helped a little, although he told me that he's also not sure how to change the thing. So we just had to try our luck to unravel the mysteries of tyre changing.

First I went to get the tools from the back and unloaded the spare tyre from underneath the van. Then we had to figure out how to use the car jack to jack the van off the floor.

Step 1: Learning to use the car jack

After that was done, we had to unscrew the nuts from the flat tyre. And that was the hardest part of it all.... The nuts just wouldn't come off.... We had to pull, jerk the nuts with our hands and feet on the thing (I've got no idea what its called, basically its some crossed screwdriver thingy... whatever). We did have to struggle with the nuts for some time before they finally came off...

Step 2: Using all our drink milk strength to remove the nuts and getting our hands super dirty

After that it was all smooth sailing, and for 2 noobs in tyre changing, we managed to change the tyres in less than 1/2 hour... So I think that was quite an achievement, wahahaha. Have to really thank Sean for helping me throughout the whole process... hahaha.

Well after the tyres were changed, I found out that the new tyres were not inflated. So the first thing we had to do, is to get out at the nearest exit (which is at woodlands), to find the nearest petrol station so that I can pump some air into my wheels... And of course I didn't know how much air to pump, I had to retort to the oldest trick in the book - argaration method. Luckily that worked and I was finally able to set my mind at ease. Haha, nonetheless it was quite an exciting experience. I must admit that I had fun changing the tyre, though it was pretty tiring... hmmm pretty rthyming here - tyre, tiring... haha okie crap....

Sean and Me: Victory pose on SLE (yah notice my messy hair from all that 'exercise' on the expressway, I'll try to upload a more flattering photo of myself soon. hahaha)

So now that I'm equipped with my new found knowledge, I'll be invincible on the road... hahahaha.... maybe not...

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